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How to Get Film Production Lawyer Jobs


The film industry is an exciting and dynamic field that offers a wide range of career opportunities. While most people think of actors and directors when they think of the film industry, many other important roles contribute to the success of a film. One such role is that of a film production lawyer. Film production lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring that all legal aspects of a film's production are in order. If you're interested in pursuing a career as a film production lawyer, this article will provide you with valuable insights on how to get started in this rewarding field.

Educational Requirements and Qualifications

To become a film production lawyer, you will need to meet certain educational and qualification requirements. Here are the steps you should consider:

Obtain a Bachelor's Degree

The first step towards becoming a film production lawyer is to obtain a bachelor's degree. While there is no specific undergraduate major required, it's advisable to choose a field related to law or entertainment. Many aspiring film production lawyers choose to major in pre-law, business, or communications. Your undergraduate degree will provide you with a strong foundation in critical thinking and communication skills, which are essential in the legal profession.

Attend Law School

After earning your bachelor's degree, the next step is to attend law school. You will need to earn a Juris Doctor (JD) degree, which typically takes three years to complete. During your time in law school, it's essential to focus on courses related to entertainment law, intellectual property law, and contract law. These areas of law are particularly relevant to the film industry, and having expertise in them will make you a more attractive candidate for film production lawyer positions.

Gain Practical Experience

While in law school, it's crucial to gain practical experience in the legal field. You can do this by participating in internships or clerkships with law firms that specialize in entertainment law. This hands-on experience will allow you to apply your legal knowledge to real-world situations and build valuable connections within the industry.

Networking and Building Industry Connections

Networking is a vital aspect of securing a job in the film industry, including positions as a film production lawyer. Here are some strategies to help you build industry connections:

Join Industry Associations

Consider joining industry associations related to entertainment law and film production. Organizations like the Entertainment and Sports Law Section of the American Bar Association or local entertainment law associations can provide you with opportunities to meet professionals in the field, attend conferences, and stay updated on industry trends.

Attend Film Festivals and Industry Events

Film festivals and industry events are excellent places to network and make connections. Attend events like the Sundance Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival, or your local film festivals to meet filmmakers, producers, and other industry professionals. These connections may lead to job opportunities or referrals.

Utilize Social Media

Create a professional online presence on platforms like LinkedIn. Follow and connect with industry professionals, share relevant articles and insights, and engage in discussions related to entertainment law and film production. Social media can be a powerful tool for networking and showcasing your expertise.

Job Search Strategies

Once you have the necessary education and have built a strong network, it's time to start your job search. Here are some strategies to help you find film production lawyer jobs:

Explore Job Boards

Keep an eye on job boards and websites that specialize in entertainment industry job listings. Websites like EntertainmentCareers.Net, LinkedIn Jobs, and Indeed often feature job postings for film production lawyers and related positions. Set up job alerts to receive notifications about relevant job openings.

Contact Entertainment Law Firms

Reach out to entertainment law firms directly, even if they don't have job openings listed. Many firms may be open to hiring talented individuals who can contribute to their practice. Send them your resume and a well-crafted cover letter outlining your skills and passion for entertainment law.

Leverage Your Network

Tap into your network and let your industry connections know that you are actively seeking film production lawyer positions. Personal referrals and recommendations from trusted professionals can be a powerful way to land a job.


Becoming a film production lawyer is a rewarding career path for those passionate about both the legal and entertainment worlds. By following the educational and networking steps outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of securing a job in this exciting field. Remember that persistence, dedication, and a genuine passion for the industry are key to your success as a film production lawyer. Good luck in your journey to becoming a part of the vibrant world of film production!

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